hi... myself is Brijvir Sikerwar..Presently pursuing the degree of doctrate from the central university of the city of locks.....i've completed my two and half year right now....here this is my very first chance to write a blog....so can't give words to my feelings...... hope you can feel cum imagine the same...... As this is the very first time to make interaction with you..so i'd like to tell you that......till now..i've got whatever i deserve...and i'm 100 per cent sure..same will happen in the coming time also.... what type of person i'm..what i like..what i dislike..what are my positive points..what are my negative points......in what way i'm very much different from others......what are those things that make very very special...... oho..so many questions like these must be coming into your brain....well..it's very usual..same happen in the my brain hard-disk too..whenever i read anything regarding anyone.... rest in next post, till then........................... keep shining cum smiling...and very importantly...keep reading cum enjoying the posts................. okeys...................... and yes.................you are most welcome on my blog.......................feel free to share your invaluable views regarding any aspect of economic, political, and social nature.................. thanks & regards, BRIJVIR SIKERWAR