Monday, March 14, 2011


1. Indian Rupee has got its symbol as . This symbol has been designed by—
(A) D. Kumar Raju
(B) Udai D. Raj
(C) D. Udai Kumar
(D) D. Udai Reddy

2. Primary gold is a gold of—
(A) 20 carat
(B) 22 carat
(C) 23 carat
(D) 24 carat

3. First share market in India was established in—
(A) Delhi
(B) Kolkata
(C) Chennai
(D) Mumbai

4. ‘Aam Admi Bima Yojana’ is an insurance scheme for rural landless households executed by the nodal agency—
(A) National Insurance Co.
(B) State Government
(D) Central Government

5. Revenue Deficit as a per cent of GDP in Budget 2011-12 has been estimated at—
(A) 4•2%
(B) 6•8%
(C) 6•0%
(D) 4•6%

6. GST would be introduced from—
(A) January 1, 2012
(B) August 1, 2011
(C) April 1, 2012
(D) August 15, 2011

7. The rate of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) proposed in the budget 2011-12 is—
(A) 15%
(B) 18•5%
(C) 20%
(D) 22%

8. Which of the following is not a financial regulator ?

9. Inflation in India is measured on which of the following indexes/indicators ?
(A) Cost of Living Index
(B) Consumer Price Index
(C) Wholesale Price Index
(D) Gross Domestic Product

10. As per 13th Finance Commission Recommendations during 2010-15, transfers to the states from the central tax pool are expected to be—
(A) Rs. 44000 crore
(B) Rs. 164832 crore
(C) Rs. 318581 crore
(D) Rs. 107552 crore

11. From which of the following taxes, the Central Government will get the maximum revenue in 2011-12 ?
(A) Custom Duties
(B) Income Tax
(C) Excise Duties
(D) Corporation Tax

12. How many economists shared Nobel Prize in Economics for the year 2010 ?
(A) 01
(B) 02
(C) 03
(D) 04

13. The target for exports in 2013-14 has been fixed at—
(A) $ 300 billion
(B) $ 275 billion
(C) $ 250 billion
(D) $ 450 billion

14. Global Hunger Index released by IFPRI in October 2010 places India at—
(A) 58th rank
(B) 64th rank
(C) 67th rank
(D) 74th rank

15. When was the first EPZ set-up in Kandla ?
(A) 1965
(B) 1970
(C) 1975
(D) 1995

16. For rural development allocation Union Budget 2011-12 is—
(A) Rs. 16,000 crore
(B) Rs. 46,000 crore
(C) Rs. 56,000 crore
(D) Rs. 87,800 crore

17. What is true for the service tax in Union Budget 2011-12 ?
(A) It is raised from 10 to 12%
(B) It is left unchanged at 11%
(C) It is left unchanged at 10%
(D) It is reduced from 14% to 12%

18. Which part of Indian rupee has been allotted in public expenditure for repaying interest on loans in 2011-12 budget proposals ?
(A) 18 Paise
(B) 21 Paise
(C) 22 Paise
(D) 23 Paise

19. In Forbes-2000 list of the year 2010 how many Indian companies got the place ?
(A) 16
(B) 56
(C) 37
(D) 27

20. As per the latest data available (for the year 2009). Infant Mortality Rate (per thousand live births) in India is—
(A) 72
(B) 68
(C) 60
(D) 50

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