1. In which of the following states India’s largest tea is produced ?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Assam
(C) Karnataka
(D) Kerala
2. Bilateral trade between India and Europe is expected to touch level of $ …… billion by 2010.
(A) 50
(B) 75
(C) 100
(D) 110
3. How many members are there in APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) ?
(A) 20
(B) 21
(C) 25
(D) 27
4. When did we start our First Five Year Plan ?
(A) August 15, 1947
(B) April 1, 1950
(C) April 1, 1951
(D) January 26, 1952
5. Which of the following states in India has produced maximum foodgrains ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Haryana
6. Who has written the book “My Country My Life” ?
(A) Indira Gandhi
(B) Rajgopalachari
(C) Baljeet Singh
(D) Lal Krishna Advani
7. Who was the Chairman of 13th Finance Commission?
(A) Vijay L. Kelkar
(B) C. Rangrajan
(C) Deepak Pareek
(D) Indira Bhargava
8. RBI holds……equity in National Housing Bank.
(A) 50%
(B) 60%
(C) 75%
(D) 100%
9. The most active and sensitive part of the organised money market is the—
(A) Call money market
(B) Treasury bill market
(C) Commercial bill market
(D) Gilt-edged market
10. Reserve Bank of India, established on 1st April, 1935, was originally constituted as a shareholders, institution with a share capital of—
(A) Rs. 5 crore
(B) Rs. 7 crore
(C) Rs. 9 crore
(D) Rs. 10 crore
11. Which one of the following countries has achieved growth rates exceeding 9% for the last two to three decades ?
(A) India
(B) China
(D) None of the above
12. Which of the following is not a Tax ?
13. “The Future of India” book is written by—
(A) R. N. Malhotra
(B) Jagdish Mukhi
(C) M. S. Ahluwalia
14. The National Stock Exchange functions from—
(A) Mumbai
(B) Kolkata
(C) New Delhi
(D) Chennai
15. For a study of the long-term growth of the economy we use—
(A) Personal Income
(B) Disposable Income
(C) Money GNP
(D) Real GNP
16. What is the purpose of the India Brand Equity Fund ?
(A) To make ‘Made in India’ a label of quality
(B) To promote in bound tourism
(C) To organise trade fairs
(D) To provide venture capital to IT sector
17. Under the Gadgil-Mukherjee Formula, which criterion gets highest weight ?
(A) Population
(B) Tax Effort and Fiscal Discipline
(C) Income Distance
(D) Area
18. How much amount has been proposed for defence expenditure in the budget for 2011-12?
(A) Rs. 164000 crore
(B) Rs. 141703 crore
(C) Rs. 157344 crore
(D) Rs. 137344 crore
19. How many additional services have been brought under service tax in the budget for 2011-12 ?
(A) 06
(B) 07
(C) 04
(D) 10
20. How much custom duty is to be paid on 10 gram of gold as per 2010-11 budget ?
(A) Rs. 100
(B) Rs. 200
(C) Rs. 300
(D) Rs. 500
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